Our Philosophy
At Florence Avenue we are committed to providing the people who use our service with a high-quality service based on their individual needs and wishes which are measured against the outcomes they experienced.
Most of us take it for granted that our lives are our own. We choose how we live and who is involved in our life. We expect to make decisions and plans for our futures, even if we need substantial help to do so. Florence Avenue strives to ensure that the same fundamental decisions, experiences and opportunities are available to the people we support.
In order to achieve this, we use comprehensive Person Centered Support Plans to help people we support think about how they want to live – both now and in the future. Crucially, these individual support plans help every service user to achieve outcomes that are important to them.
We believe that everyone has the right to:
Live an ordinary life in the community with access to services appropriate to their needs.
Have a choice in where they live and with whom they live.
Choose how they are supported, and by whom.
Be fully consulted about decisions affecting them, and be active participants in the decision-making process – with independent support if necessary.
At Florence Avenue we will:
Promote the personal development of the people who use our services by maximising their independence and autonomy
We will achieve this by:
Valuing the individuality of every person who uses our services. We respect and understand that everyone is different.
Provide a staff team who are highly trained and experienced to deliver excellent services.
Safeguard the dignity of the people using our service by observing and appreciating their cultural, religious and gender differences.
Enhance quality of life, encourage independence and promote services users’ rights.
Foster an understanding of, and encourage participation in, activities that promote a healthy lifestyle.
Actively seek to protect vulnerable people using our service from abuse, exploitation and self-neglect.
Enabling people who use our service to participate as fully as possible in the local community. We will facilitate access to the community and support people in those environments by engaging with local networks and alliances, including education, training or employment.